The Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provence has been recognized by the public authorities as an inter-professional organization of collective interest, in accordance with Articles l.632-1 et seq. of the French Rural Code, as well as in the European Community Code. Its members are winemakers and wine merchants from the Côtes de Provence, Coteaux d’Aix-en-Provence and Coteaux Varois en Provence AOCs. The Council is pursuing general goals:

  • to reinforce the strength of the wine industry in France;
  • to increase its members means of action and financial resources;
  • to promote the special features of each appellation.


All the CIVP’s decisions are made by professional representatives of winemakers and merchants. There are several levels of decision-making bodies:

General Assembly

25 delegates from production and 25 from trade.

The GA defines the CIVP’s policies and general objectives, votes on its by-laws, internal rules and regulations, inter-professional agreements and inter-professional dues. It approves the financial statements and votes on the CIVP’s budget. It elects the Chair of the CIVP and its Board Members.


8 volunteer members, with equal representation of production and trade, proportional to each appellation, who are elected by the General Assembly. The Chair of the Board alternates every three years between production and trade.

It executes or has others execute the missions and programmes defined by the General Assembly, under the approved budget. It monitors the CIVP’s regular operations and administrative management.

Appellation Committees for each AOC

Each Appellation Committee (Côtes de Provence, Coteaux d’Aix-en-Provence and Coteaux Varois en Provence) has the same number of members from production as from trade. The members are appointed by the professional organizations that represent the AOC in question.

Each committee defines its own specific policies in terms of orientations, budget and programmes, which are then submitted to the General Assembly for approval. They also recommend special dues levels to the GA.

Standing Committees

The four Standing Committees – Promotion in France, Promotion of Exports, Economics, and Quality Monitoring – work on actions common to all three AOCs.

The Standing Committees have equal production/trade representation and are co-chaired by a winemaker and a merchant.



The CIVP's missions are approved by the industry's professional representatives, reviewed by the public authorities and implemented by a team of 18 people. They are built on four pillars:

ECONOMY Knowledge of supply and demand and market regulations;

TECHNIQUES Research and experimentation, thanks in particular to a partnership with the Centre du Rosé;

QUALITY Quality monitoring to check and improve the quality of wines when they reach the market;

COMMUNICATION collective communication about and promotion of wines from the three appellations, in France and abroad.

Composition of the CIVP board :

Eric Pastorino
1st Vice-chair
Olivier Nasles
2nd Vice-chair
Philippe Brel
3rd Vice-chair
Philippe Laillet
General Secretary
Eric Lambert
Deputy General Secretary
Aurélie Bertin
Salvatore Patti
Deputy Treasurer
Paul Bernard

CIVP Organizational Chart

General Management
Brice Eymard
Managing Director
General Management
Nicole Barriat
Secretariat & Reception
Delphine David
Administrative & Financial Director
Corinne Fisseux
Management & Accounts Manager
Wine Region Monitoring & Information Systems
Brice Amato
Department Head
Wine Region Monitoring & Information Systems
Corinne Meissonnier
Wine Region Monitoring / Management Assistant
Wine Region Monitoring & Information Systems
Caroline Margaria
Wine Region Monitoring & Declarvins Assistant
Wine Region Monitoring & Information Systems
Laetitia Paganelli
Research Coordinator
France Marketing Department
Jennifer Penna
Department Manager
France Marketing Department
Cédric Skrzypczak
Media Division Manager
France Marketing Department
Hélène Garcia
Events Project Manager
France Marketing Department
Valérie Guillorit
Internal Communication Project Manager
France Marketing Department
Delphine Moreau
Oenotourism Project Manager
Export Marketing & Communication Department
Valérie Lelong
Department Manager
Export Marketing & Communication Department
Cécile Garcia
USA & China Area Manager
Export Marketing & Communication Department
Caroline Benetti
Europe & Canada Area Manager
Export Marketing & Communication Department
Romain Diho
Japan, ASEAN & Australia Area Manager